Church of God Mission Academy

Disciplined Bible Study

Confidence to rightly divide the Word of truth and be approved of God. So that you can fulfill your purpose and replicate yourself by going forth and making disciples.


COGMA was established to offer a centralised ministry teaching tool, designed to equip and educate individuals of diverse ages, cultures, religions, and educational backgrounds. It serves as the outreach ministry of the Church of God in Caloundra, Australia.

Although COGMA is an outreach from the Church of God in Caloundra, it is not seeking to build or plant churches or congregations. It’s singular purpose is to point individuals to Jesus Christ and His Word.

COGMA provides its educational materials through workbooks, which can be downloaded from its website. This study system has been proven to be more effective than traditional classroom-based teaching. This method places the onus of learning on the student, making it an ideal form of study for adults.

COGMA adheres to the teachings of Paul, as stated in 2 Timothy 2:2:

“And what things you heard from me through many witnesses, commit these things to faithful men, such as will be competent also to teach others”.

Our Mission

The mission of COGMA is to raise up and equip each student with the tools and the confidence to study the Word of God and to receive revelation directly from God Himself.

Our goal is to preach and teach the “certified” Gospel without fear or favour of denominational groups and sects. We are committed to entrusting this knowledge to other faithful brethren who are competent to teach others as well.

“And what things you heard from me through many witnesses, commit these things to faithful men, such as will be competent also to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2

This directive aligns with the “great commission” that Jesus imparted to all His disciples throughout the Gospel era: “to go and make disciples”.

Our Philosophy

Philosophy is the systematic thinking that guides how and what we do. It can be described as the “wind that sets the sail”, influenced by our ethics and moral compass.

At the heart of COGMA’s philosophy are truth, love, and justice, all encompassed with compassion and understanding.

We at COGMA will never forget our origins, allowing us to identify with and find common ground with our students and those to whom we minister.

If our philosophy were to be encapsulated in a single line, it would be as follows:


The Church of God Mission Academy (COGMA), based in Caloundra, Australia, offers the Diploma of Biblical Studies. This program, designed for home-based ministry education, is suitable for individuals of diverse ages, backgrounds, and educational levels. COGMA, compliant with international standards where necessary, emphasises self-paced learning through self-assessment Workbooks. This method encourages students to be responsible for their own learning, focusing on mastery and applying their knowledge.

COGMA’s teaching philosophy aligns with 2 Timothy 2:2, focusing on inspiring students to diligently study the Word of God, rather than indoctrination. The aim is for students to integrate biblical truths into their lives and act upon them. As an example, student Bro Gil shares his transformative experience through studying the Word.

In line with biblical teaching models, COGMA pairs each student with a mentor for guidance and support. These mentors, chosen for their exemplary character and understanding of the Word, ensure students not only complete their studies but also live out the teachings of Christ. This approach seeks to create living examples of Christian principles and inspire a cycle of mentorship.

2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”


The Diploma of Biblical Studies consists of around twenty modules, encompassing various topics such as:

        • Study for Approval
        • Understanding the Bible
        • The Language of the Bible
        • The Disciple’s Toolkit
        • Daniel’s 70 Weeks
        • The Sin Question
        • Rightly Dividing The Truth
        • The Cause of the Gospel
        • The New Testament Church
        • The Gifts & Operation in the New Testament
        • The Ordinances of the New Testament
        • And more….


The Biblical study course is offered free of charge, including the Workbooks and Assignments, which can be downloaded from our Online Download Portal. These can then be printed and completed, with the lesson assignment returned to COGMA.

Alternatively, the Workbooks can be downloaded to electronic devices, and the Assignment completed online, which is then automatically returnes to COGMA.

The Workbooks are available in English, and progressively in Swahili and Luganda. Additional languages will be included as per the requests of students.

Open Enrolment

The enrolment process with COGMA is straightforward. A student is automatically enrolled after they complete the first lesson, which is the “Student Handbook”, and successfully finish the associated assignment. Following this, the student receives a “student identification number” and is also introduced to their mentor.

Everybody is welcome regardless of beliefs, church membership or even non-beliefs.

COGMA is not building churches or seeking members.

If additional information is needed, a representative from COGMA will get in touch with the student.

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